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Super Moon Eclipse Download

Writer's picture: Kristin DwanKristin Dwan

I just arrived home from over a week of travel via ship from Seattle to different cities in Alaska to Canada and then back to Seattle.

The Westerdam, my home for the past week…the city we are ported in here is Sitka, Alaska

This was also the first time I have flown in an airplane for over a decade…I have a huge fear of flying…but this trip ripped that fear apart, and I have the travel bug big time!

Taking off in the airplane from Seattle to LAX

My inner gypsy world traveler has been awoken BIG TIME, and I cannot wait to get more travel plans on the books for all over the World.

I even did some unintentional networking while on the cruise by meeting 3 different women in the spa Hydro Pool 3 different days, who randomly started telling me their life stories and all the pain within them.

This happens a lot to me, it goes along with the territory of being who I am and doing what I do. After they asked me what I did for a living, they asked for a card, and said they will be booking virtual sessions with me while I am in Humboldt.

Ah Humboldt…

Reiki Pasadena Altadena Holistic House Blessing

My sacred tree in Humboldt, who I have been visiting and offering to for over 20 years.

I leave in 3 days for another 3 weeks…escaping the 90 degree weather of SoCal for the fog, moss and 60 degree weather of HumCo.

Needless to say, today has been all about running around doing laundry, unpacking and packing again for the next trip, making sure kitties have enough supplies, making copies of gorilla marketing flyers to post up in Humboldt and making copies of Reiki classes to take over there to teach.

Gorilla Marketing for Humboldt for Healing Woods North

I had 3 beautiful invites to private circles for this auspicious Super Moon Eclipse, and I wanted to be at all 3 of them…but time was not allowing it, and I just flowed with what happened easily, and ended up alone for the Moon’s eclipse dance in our velvety black sky stage.

I took out some crystals, candles and incense, and sat watching as She turned completely crimson, like a glowing circular ember within the darkness.

It was then that my automatic writing took over.

See, I was all ready to write down intentions just like I do during all the New and Full Moons…but something took over, and I realized that in that moment, I was experiencing the energies of ALL of the phases of the moon within a couple hours, and that this was the time to do a full reset button on my life, and work with each phase as it showed itself to me from where I was seated at my outside table.

In working with the different phases of the moon, there are different energies that can help you either release, bring new or bring things full power into your life. Tonight…we had all the main phases of the moon working with us, AND it is a Super Moon, so the moon is the closest to the Earth as it will be within its cycle.

Basically tonight is a mega manifesting opportunity, and I allowed myself to flow into receiving what I was supposed to do instead of trying to direct myself out to one of the lovely gatherings happening in my sisterhood world.

Don’t be disappointed that you missed out if you were not able to meditate and write under the eclipse tonight. We are still dealing with the powerful eclipse energy for the next few days, so just because the eclipse is not visible to you right now, does not mean that your work will not matter.

The Universe is always listening…now is the time to be direct and clear with what we are walking away from, where we stand now and what we are heading towards.

I want to share with you what I did (or rather…what came through me to do) by light of candles and the Super Moon tonight in hopes that you will find clarity and inspiration from it as I did.

Dark Moon Intentions

While the Moon was completely eclipsed…this was like a Dark Moon.

The Dark Moon is a time to look at what need to be released, what Karma you want out of your way and deeply hidden emotional wounds that need to be dug out of the cave of your soul and let go.

The Dark Moon is the evening before the New Moon. It is when there is no moon visible in our night sky. Quiet and meditation are always good on Dark Moons. Digging through the cave of your soul is not always a scary thing. Yes, there are skeletons and demons within the cave, but once you get through those, you are free to find the buried treasure as well.

Here is my really bad cell phone photo of the Moon as she was completely eclipsed:

Here is what started to come out of my pen:

Tonight I leave behind:

  1. Attracting emotionally unavailable and hurt men.

  2. Skin issues

  3. Back issues

  4. Overdoing sugar, bad carbs and booze

  5. Being a lazy writer

  6. Being Single

  7. Working 6-7 days a week to accommodate everyone else’s schedule

  8. Directing instead of flowing

  9. Trying to hold onto people who the Universe is showing me no longer serve

  10. Anyone and anything that tries to drain my power

  11. Fear of flying (on airplanes as well as my wings)

  12. Blocks with technology

  13. Doing trades on days off…I need at least 2 complete days off a week from doing anything healing work related on others, so I can have self care, spirituality, writing and Nature time.

  14. Any hidden anger, hurt or regret from any past love relationships ever in my life

  15. Karmic blockages 

  16. Subconscious blockages

  17. Anything, anywhere and anyone who is not for my soul’s greatest good, and I am open to releasing them now!

New Moon Intentions

I kept my eyes closed, and let these things come to me slowly…I felt the energy shift, and I noticed that the white of the moon was showing like the first sliver of a New Moon:

The New Moon energy is all about planting new seeds of things to come into your life. Starting over on projects in a new way, bringing in new opportunities, new thought patterns, new habits, new people etc. With this in mind, my pen wrote the following:

Tonight I walk Towards:

  1. Partnership in love with a man who is ready willing and emotionally able to be in a relationship.

  2. Physical transformation

  3. More money in savings for retirement

  4. More weight loss

  5. Publishing “Baptism By Flame”

  6. Being a World Traveler

  7. Juicing once a day

  8. Swimming 3x/week

  9. Hiking 1x/week

  10. Inner child healing

  11. Playing guitar

  12. Music in general

  13. Painting

  14. Drawing

  15. Writing

  16. Singing

  17. Writing and teaching Tarot classes, since over 5 people have asked me to teach them in the past month. Heard you loud and clear, Universe!

  18. More Coaching clients

  19. More Reiki classes

  20. More large paid hourly tarot reading gigs

  21. The Reiki Nature Retreat showing me when and where to offer it.

  22. More quality time with family

  23. Conscious Business workshops

  24. Hawaii

  25. More quality time with friends

  26. More quality time with me

  27. My fullest potential and being open to receiving it all!

Full Moon Intentions:

Again…my eyes closed, and the pen writing as things came to my mind, and I felt a huge shift this time, and looked up, and the Moon was FULL POWER as a huge beautiful white orb bathing me within Her powerful light, with a rainbow aura around Her:

The Full Moon is all about bringing things into full power within your life. Finishing what has been started, honoring what has been accomplished, giving thanks for what has been released and for what has been received.

Tonight I Stand Firmly Within:

  1. The dawning of a new era of my business

  2. The dawning of a new era of me

  3. The pride I have for all I have accomplished within The Healing Woods since doing it full time.

  4. I stand within peace of heart and mind

  5. I stand within excitement to see the World!

  6. I stand within awe of how amazing my life has become, now that I am flowing instead of directing.

It isn’t every day that we get to work with these 3 powerful phases of the moon all at once…I hope that if you are drawn to doing this working within your own life, that it makes you feel as awesome as it has made me feel.

Super Moon…Super Life.

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