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My Gratitude For 2015

Writer's picture: Kristin DwanKristin Dwan

“Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.” ~Rumi

Around this time of year I retreat into the cave and really go deeply within, in order to look at this past year month by month, and really relive my wins, and what I am feeling huge gratitude for.

Of course, like most other people, I am my own worst critic when it comes to what I did NOT complete, what I lost, what went wrong and mistakes that I made…so towards the end of the year, I like to give my higher self a chance to remind my monkey mind of all that I was able to receive, finish and create within the year I am heading out of.

2015 was quite the beautiful year…here are my Gratitude highlights within it:

  1. I feel huge amounts of gratitude for my beautiful house and all of the amazing people that come to see me in it…friends…clients…neighbors…my house attracts nothing but amazing people.

  2. I am thankful for another year of non stop growth and expansion for The Healing Woods, even though each month I had to fight back the “What if it doesn’t continue to work?” Demon.

  3. I am grateful for my 19 year old kitty Annika’s awesome health. I got her blood work done, and the vet said she has the blood of a 10 year old cat. I attribute this to daily Reiki!

  4. I am filled with gratitude for my inner gypsy being awoken during my travels to Seattle, Alaska and Canada in 2015…2016 will be the year of travel for me.

  5. Spending more time face to face with friends and reconnecting with ones I haven’t seen for a long time.

  6. I am so blessed to have a beautiful tribe of sisters in Humboldt, and to be able to spend multiple weeks at a time there soaking in the intense healing of The Redwoods, building community and hearing my soul more clearly than ever in my life.

  7. Saying yes to going to a life changing workshop even though I didn’t know anyone who would be there, which is expanding what I do for a living and how I show up in the world.

  8. After 4 years of doing The Healing Woods full time, FINALLY taking 2 days off in a row each week to allow me time to receive, create and retreat. Even when I was chained to my corporate 9-5 job, I was allowed weekends…why was I not allowing 2 days a week for myself as a business owner?

  9. Really focusing on building my Virtual Reiki and Tarot sessions, so I can still work while I travel anywhere. It was slow at first, but once I truly made the switch in my mind about it…the clients from all over the Country (and even some from out of the US) have shown up on my computer screen.

  10. Doing one of the biggest purges of old stuff and clutter I have ever done, and feeling completely released and amazing about it.

  11. Feeling a huge amount of peace within my heart and loving where I am right now, instead of always focusing on where I want to be.

  12. Also loving who I am now, instead of always focusing on who I want to be.

  13. Buying a guitar and writing my first song.

  14. Seeing a Shaman regularly and retrieving parts of my soul that were stuck in some dark places.

  15. Being ok with not being attached to when or how something will happen…but instead feeling comfort in knowing that it will happen within Divine Timing.

  16. My beautiful women’s business tribe who I have gotten to know more deeply, and checking in with them as we all travel down our inspired paths of empowerment and love within business.

  17. Having huge successes with all of my coaching clients before even really rolling out that part of my business. The moment I made the switch in my head about adding it on as something I offer officially, the clients came out of nowhere and everywhere. I have been spiritually coaching people for 28 years via Tarot and coaching my students on how to build a Reiki business for 10 years…it is time I own this as a big part of who I am, and stand within my truth with it.

  18. Getting crystal clear on what I deserve within love and saying no to things that are not within alignment with it.

  19. Turning 40 within grace and excitement…I know this will be my best decade yet.

  20. Being able to take a month and a half long trip and still be able to pay rent and work on the road.

  21. Creating new collaborations while nurturing and growing long standing ones to bring more people in a wider area the medicine of Reiki, Tarot and Visioning within my Bullshit Bonfires.

  22. Saying yes, especially when I am scared to.

  23. Saying no, especially when I would usually be guilted into saying yes.

  24. Holding sacred the boundaries between work and personal time.

  25. Getting though a year without any crazy medical stuff or accidents.

  26. Bringing Reiki and Tarot to the Festival Culture and ushering tons of 20 something year olds into the healing arms of Reiki for the first time ever.

  27. All of the beautiful trades I have set up with amazing people.

  28. Doing less, being more and receiving all.

  29. Still being completely open to love, even though my heart has been broken time and time again.

  30. Still being excited for life, even though I have been through hell in order to get here.


I have been writing these Gratitude lists since I was a teenager, and publishing them on blogs and social media for the past decade.

I find that the more I live within gratitude of what has transpired within the year I am coming out of…the better the year that I am walking into ends up.

What you focus on expands…so why not focus on all the amazing things you have done in 2015, instead of judging yourself by what you didn’t complete?

There are too many To Do lists in life…have fun creating your To Thank list, and enjoy the glow that happens within and around you energetically.

Have a beautifully grateful rest of 2015…

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