In 2014 I am very proud of and hold onto the wisdom of:
Taking The Healing Woods to the next level by getting a business license, DBA and Healing Woods Bank Account.
Putting energy towards a new focus of my work called The Reiki Doula
Buying the domain name, created a website and told the Universe I was ready for more mamas to come into my life.
Buying my dream bed (Tempur-Pedic) to help my lower back issues.
Attracting to me a documentary artist to use me in a film about Doulas, so I could have video on my website.
Being a part of 12 beautiful births/pregnancies this year, including my first home/water birth with a Midwife.
Spending more days in the Redwoods this year than I have in the past decade all put together.
Having the true realization and proof without a doubt that I really CAN do my work for a living instead of worrying about getting a job.
Falling even more deeply in love with my beautiful courtyard community in the tree lined Mountain town of Altadena.
Finding a beautiful community of people to offer Reiki to at all night events including live art, bands, meditation, dancing and love.
Being able to give back to my community by volunteering Reiki at hospitals and to very sick clients, tithing to the environment monthly via donating money to the oceans and forests and holding public rituals to give people a safe space to release/pray/send intentions in the company of like minded spiritually open people.
Taking writing classes and getting completely fired up to finish Baptism By Flame…also within this I was asked by my amazing teacher to do a reading of my writing on stage in front of others in March. The writing for 2015 is really being kicked into gear!
Doing less, Being more and receiving all.
Opening up to my mother in a very real way, and enjoying spending time with her more and more.
Spreading the knowledge of what Reiki is and how it changed my life to many people via a large number of public speaking engagements.
Finding my passion within my passions.
Finding my voice via writing instead of only having it via singing.
Spending a year single and happy…instead of in a quasi-relationship and emotionally tortured.
Being and staying totally and completely debt free, besides paying off my car.
Learning to live within my means financially…making a budget and sticking to it. What I learned is that even though I make much less than I used to in a corporate job…I don’t need to spend ANY money to find happiness, like I used to have to then, to escape the stress of that life. Owning your own time in life does wonders for the budget, I have found.
In 2014, I learned the lesson and release the pain of:
Being disappointed in myself for letting another whole year pass by without finishing Baptism By Flame.
Allowing myself to slip as far as weight loss and physical activity go…emotional turmoil via a break up for the first part of the year screwed all of that up. Now I am steady as she goes emotionally, and ready to get very active in 2015.
Lower back issues, ear issues and the very last bit of psoriasis hanging on from the fire.
Anger at a certain family member for never ever supporting who I am and always sitting in judgement of it, even though she doesn’t know anything about who I am or the good I try to do in this world. It has nothing to do with me. It is her own movie she has created in her head.
In 2015 I welcome into my life immediately:
Baptism By Flame being finished and self published!!!
More abundance and prosperity, so I can invest in my business, move it out of my house and give more money back to helping the environment.
MUSIC AND SINGING. Now that I have had a nice break and actually miss it…I call to me a musical group who is not relying on me for all booking/promoting and does not want to tour non stop nor play only in dark clubs. I call to me light spiritual people who express their love within song…Kirtan…World Music…strange choirs…playing outdoor festivals…I am open to whatever the perfect fit is for me and this group.
Returning to daily weight loss, juicing, hiking, swimming and walking
A true partner within love and life who is ready, willing and able to love me and love himself.
Using the art supplies I have collected for the past couple years…pastels, water colors, acrylics…let’s see what comes out of me in my 40’s…
My 4th decade on this planet, which will be filled with growth, love, health, strength and living the fuck out of life.